Hello all, since there are so many wonderful resources on the web, I thought I'd start this series, and maybe someday make it a linky party, if I ever learn how. ;) First, let me just say that the graphic above was my very first semi-successful GIMP project. I'm still brand new to the whole computer graphics thing. My first sessions trying to use this program left me absolutely livid with frustration because I just couldn't seem to make it do what I wanted. When reading the online users' guide, I could only understand half of the language in it ;) But now, slowly but surely, I'm beginning to get hip to its little quirks and idiosynchrocies. What I love is that it's free, and it's built on a community of users and developers who built it for the benefit of everyone involved. So, if there are any GIMPers out there, I'd love some tips or advice.
So, now on to what's really important. I wanted to begin this series with something I used last year with my students. It's an interactive web tool that makes crossword puzzles. In a classroom with a computer lab, you could have students create and trade puzzles, especially if you have different groups working on different sets of vocabulary words. Since I don't have internet access when I'm working with students, I bring a puzzle already printed for them. Another from the Thinkfinity community is this biography cube maker. Any time they can cut and paste and put something together, I'd like to think the learning will stick more firmly. Enjoy!
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